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music by stillnoah


More or less everyone knows the story of the Titanic. But geraldT pointed me to the details of the event by recommending to read the article on wikipedia. At the very same time the Costa Concordia disaster happend. Strange "coincidences" happen sometimes.

I think the situation on this world (at least in our western culture) has some parallelism to cruising on the Titanic. Somehow we feel save and convenient, enjoying all the wealth around us, somehow it's really dark and cold and scary outside. Nobody knows what route we're taking, so we try our best to manage the fear by lighting up our minds. We put our trust in politics or economy or science experts. I really think we're moving too fast, driving our planet and our hearts into a desaster.


luxury onboard
total comfort
warm cabins
expensiv trash bins

traveling convenient
makes a bit lenient
the night is cold and it is black
but we're fast enough to fight back

the captain's speaking
few are listening
we don't want to get distressed
we won't take a life vest


no drill, no drill, but real!
no drill, no drill, we're gonna sink
no drill, no drill, but real!
this ship is gonna sink


lifeboats are so small
this ship seems stable and so tall
we don't want to risk wet clothes
out there we may get cold toes

is this just an exercise?
what a stupid kind of enterprise!
all the dazzling signal lights
must that be in the middle of the night?

the captain's speaking
the band is playing louder
give me a little more white powder
make me forget the ship is leaking


no drill, no drill, but real!
no drill, no drill, we're gonna sink
no drill, no drill, but real!
this ship is gonna sink


the words are as easy as clear
nobody needs any beer
just get ashore
just get ashore

// repeat


he captain's speaking
few are listening
we don't want to get distressed
we don't need a life vest


maybe it's time to speak to god
get up and stop
maybe it's time to speak to god
get up and stop


no drill, no drill, but real!
no drill, no drill, we're gonna sink
no drill, no drill, but real!
this ship is gonna sink